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3.8 User Keys

User Keys Settings

User keys

    List of user keys. Use check boxes to enable/disable keys for the current account.


    • Some servers limit the number of authentication attempts with different keys, so it would be useful to leave a minimum number of keys enabled.
    • Physically keys are located in the Documents And Settings\login\Application Data\Private Shell\User Keys folder (Windows 2000/XP computers).

Generate new key...

    Generates a new key. Once you click the button you get the following dialog window:

    Generate New Key

    • Key name - name of the key to appear in the list
    • Key type - type of the key (either DSA or RSA)
    • Key bits - length of the key in bits

    Once the key is generated, you will be asked for a password to encrypt the key. You may leave it empty but then anyone having access to the key can log in under your name. This password differs from the password that is used for password authentication.


    • DSA/DSS keys are not supported by SSH1
    • Some old SSH2 servers do not accept RSA keys
    • Key generation (especially DSA/DSS) may take up to 5-10 minutes depending on the key length and your computer speed.

    Change password...

      Changes the key password.

    Delete key

      Deletes the selected key.

    Put public key on server

      Uploads the public part of the selected key to the server. You must first connect to the server using password authentication or authentication with a different key.


      • SSH2 only
      • Server software must support this function

    Import key

      Imports keys generated using various software such as Open SSH,, PuTTY, and other. Private Shell automatically detects the key format.

      PuTTY may generate 1023 bit keys, Private Shell imports and uses such keys successfully.

    Export key

      Exports the selected key to an external file. You can choose whether to export a public key or a private key, and a desired file format.

    Put into key agent

      Puts the selected key into Private Shell key agent.

      The Private Shell key agent software must be running.

    Key fingerprint...

      Displays the key fingerprint in hexadecimal and textual forms.

    Allow interaction with key agent

      Set this option to allow Private Shell key agent exchange keys with Private Shell.

      The Private Shell key agent software is included with the Private Shell distribution.

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