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1.4 Connect Using Public Key Authentication

This method requires some advanced settings being made prior to connecting.

  1. Create private/public keys pair
  2. Upload public key to the server
  3. Connect to the server using public key authentication method

Described settings may not work depending on the server configuration. If you experience problems performing the steps below contact your system administrator, or visit our support page at

Create private/public keys pair

  1. Run Private Shell
  2. In the Server parameters box click Advanced
  3. Server preferences

  4. Choose User keys settings
  5. Click Generate new key...
  6. User keys settings

  7. Enter the Key name ("dsa-key")
  8. Generate new key

  9. Click the Generate button
  10. In the Save private keys with password box enter a password for the key. It is used to encrypt your private key, so no one having access to the key file can use it. This password is not associated with the password that is used for password authentication.

    Key password prompt

  11. It is recommended to create an RSA key too. Repeat from the 4th step but enter another Key name ("rsa-key") and set the Key type to RSA
  12. Once you create the keys, you get a picture similar to the one below
  13. User keys settings with keys

Upload public key to the server

  1. Connect to your server using password authentication
  2. On the File menu click Settings...
  3. Choose User keys settings
  4. Select "dsa-key" and click Put public key on server
  5. Select "rsa-key" and click Put public key on server
  6. Click OK
  7. On the File menu click Disconnect

Connect to the server using public key authentication method

  1. On the File menu click Connect...
  2. Set the Authentication method to Public key
  3. Click OK

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